Student Leader News

News Update from our School Leader - Lucy Van Rensburg!!


This week our Sustainability Leaders David Do and Ross Bumanglag have introduced us to a new Nude Food campaign, it's basically not bringing packaging to school.   The class with the least amount of packaging will get tokens! Tokens are also a new thing we made this term, tokens are like a reward if you are showing the school values which are respectful, safe, responsible, and learner, and a teacher or student leader sees you in the yard doing one of the school values you will be given a token to put in the house team boxes that are placed around the yard. The House Teams are McAuley, Frayne, Patrick, and Lewis. At the end of every week, the House leaders will count how many tokens their house team got and the winner will be announced at Assembly.


Cheers, Lucy!


A message from our SUSTAINABILITY LEADERS Ross Bumanglag and David Do

St Michael’s School is doing nude food to protect the environment and the animals       



So this Wednesday we are having Nude Food Day where you are asked to NOT bring food anything in plastic packaging. If you bring  food that is not in a plastic package then you will get a free token (Note: you will get individual tokens per person, eg. if a person does not bring plastic they get a token but if another person brings plastic they don't get a token.) This is going to help the animals, especially turtles because plastic takes a really long time to decompose so usually ends up in the ocean and that would be really bad for the sea animals and land animals too. Because the plastic ends up in their neck choking them or they may eat it and like I said that would be very bad so that's why we are having Nude Food here at Saint Michael's Primary School. That's everything we have to say thank you for reading this and taking your time to make our world a better place. 

   ...........and Thank you for cooperating!