Religious Education   

Marylene Douglas

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

On Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the day we remember  the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples. 


On the night before Jesus died, he promised the disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit to enlighten them, guide them, strengthen them, and give them everything they would need to carry the Good News to people all over the world. They didn’t understand what this meant. But on Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Spirit came like the wind and descended on the apostles gathered in the Upper Room. They were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, they understood everything, and they immediately went out into the streets to tell people the Good News of Jesus Christ!


Pentecost is called the birthday of the church because before Pentecost, there really was no church. Jesus had ascended back into the heavens, the Apostles were hanging around, scared and confused, and nobody knew what to do. 

Going out to baptise people and preach about Jesus was the last thing they had in mind because their lives would be in danger. But Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit – the force that turned a bunch of frightened, mixed-up folks into church. There was a rush of wind, tongues of fire, and then suddenly there was courage, knowledge, direction and commitment! 


Everyone started speaking and was understood, no matter what the language of the listener was! These were saints suddenly on fire with the Holy Spirit. And it all began with the wind and fire of the Spirit.

That same Spirit is given to us too, through our Baptism. When we listen to the Spirit and live out Jesus’ message, we show the fruits of the spirit.

Let us be open to the Spirit working in us, in our school community and in

 our world so that the fruits of the Spirit are obvious to all we meet.  This means living in ways that are loving, joyful, patient, kind, generous, faithful, gentle, disciplined and reverent towards ourselves and others. Living this way is our calling as Christians! We can make the world a better place.

Some of our Year 6 Students (who will be receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit at their Confirmation later in the year) made some Pentecost magnets for our parishioners to take home this Pentecost Sunday.


On Wednesday we celebrated the official Opening and Blessing of our beautiful new Administration Block. There were many people to thank so with praise and thanksgiving, we asked God to bless all those responsible for bringing our new administration area to fruition – MACS, the architects, the builders, the project managers, Ms Carmel Stutterd, and all who helped to create such a wonderful space. 

Father Andrew then blessed the building with Holy water whilst our talented Year 6 choir sang our St Louis' song with the help of some very enthusiastic preps. 


God of mercy and truth,

you sent your only Son

to be our Saviour and Lord.

He calls us together as his Church

to carry on the work of salvation.

In your kindness hear the prayers of this community.

We dedicate this building to the education and wellbeing of the present and future St Louis’ School Community, and to their growth in faith, hope and love.

May it be a place where the teachings of Christ are reflected in lives of goodness and truth.

We ask you now to bless us

and all who will use this building.

May all who come here know the presence of Christ,

experience the joy of his friendship,

and grow in his love.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.  Amen