Latest News

Digger Brooks Visit
Thanks to Mukinbudin Community Bank who contributes funds so that Graham 'Digger' Brooks can visit the school every year with his informative ANZAC trailer. The students always enjoy the display.
Secondary Netball Carnival
Our Secondary students had a very early start on Thursday to travel to Northam to compete in a Netball Carnival. All students played amazingly, and represented Mukinbudin DHS with pride. Team 1 had 2 wins and a draw, and Team 2 pulled in 2 wins. All in all it was a great day, the students had lots of fun, and showcased great teamwork. Thank you to Miss de Lacy for giving the students the opportunity to participate in the HS Netball Carnival. Thank you to Mr Roberts for driving a bus and supervising, to Mr Pete Geraghty for driving a bus, and to Mrs Jessica Collins and Mrs Tania Sprigg for attending as super helpers. Team 1 won two games and had one draw, and Team 2 had two wins. The students had a great time, and no doubt slept very well last night!
Home Ec. Begins
The Year 6/7 and 8/9/10 classes were lucky enough to start Home Ec. lessons with Mrs Louwen today. The first recipe to be investigated and cooked was ANZAC biscuits. The smiles and delicious smell coming from the Home Ec. room said it all! What a great opportunity for our students to be learning new skills or honing their existing skills.
Year 6/7 STEM Activities
The Year 4's and 5's also embarked on a new venture today, Science in the Secondary Science Lab. Thank you to Mr Roberts for showing the students the safety and science behind various experiments.