Teaching and Learning in 5M

5M was lucky enough to participate in the One Love session two weeks ago. They focused on racism and fairness. During this session, the presenters shared stories with the students and discussed what they knew and how they felt about racism and fairness. The kids really enjoyed participating in this session and learnt a lot from our visitors. We also got to play games outside where students had to try and move a ball using different parts of their body. This was to teach about fairness and how making the game difficult for some teams meant they were more likely to lose.
On Friday all of the Year 5 students went to ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) as our topic for Inquiry last term was ‘Our Digital Footprint’. The students learnt many things about moving pictures and how and when they were created. They were able to play in the Foley sound room, play old arcade games and see displays of old video game controllers, make flip books, see costumes from movies and learn about the many different ways that the moving image was created. In the afternoon we had our lunch on Birrarung Marr and played games on the grass. It was a really wonderful day and the students and teachers were very grateful to the helpers that came along to make our day run smoothly.