Teaching and Learning in 4M

Term 2 has been action-packed for 4M! Students had a blast on camp in week three when we went to Golden Valleys in Flinders. Students tested their limits on activities like the leap of faith, flying fox and giant swing. They proved to be a lot braver than their teacher as they soared to great heights and showed no fear! The most impressive part was the support students gave each other when completing the activities. Camp was a great opportunity for us to connect with each other outside of the classroom and learn more about one another. Thank you to our parent helpers for your support too!
4M students also participated in the One Love incursion where students learned about showing kindness to everyone, no matter their background or skill set. We spoke with maturity beyond our years as we discussed how we can use what we learned from our incursion in everyday life.
We also had students compete in school and district cross country with great success. Students showed amazing resilience to finish both races, but one act of sportsmanship stood out. With a Langwarrin Primary School student battling to finish the district race, Harper showed extraordinary sportsmanship to support her schoolmate over the finish line. This is what being an LPS student is all about!