⭐️Welcome to Prep! We have had such a happy, fun and exciting Term of learning together. ⭐️
🌈100 Days of School!
Our Preps had such a wonderful day of celebrating our 100 days of school! The week leading up to the day was learning all about 100… On the day we celebrated by having a picnic with all our Prep friends under the oak tree and also decorated a cookie with lollies to make the ‘100’. The Preps were so proud of all their learning especially wearing their special crown home to show their family.
Our Preps have been enjoying learning about Country and the importance of Country to Aboriginal people and ourselves. Their many wonderings about Aboriginal people, the Australian bush and the animals who live there have made for many great discussions and creative responses. They have enjoyed using play scapes to create animal homes and contributing to creating a class bug hotel.
Wednesday afternoons are always an exciting learning opportunity for Preps when we all get together and learn Auslan from Mrs Reynolds. We have learnt how to sign the National Anthem, some greetings, numbers, animals, colours and a rhyme.