Support Unit Excursion to Crescent Head

During Week 4 all of the Support Unit bused out to Point Plomer - 10 beaches south of Crescent Head- to look at the Pristine coastal environment, and to visit the ancient Aboriginal Sacred Site there. The students enjoyed the pristine nature and the stories about the Aboriginal history of the area. Big thank you to Georgie and Misty for their help, and to Wayne Carmody for his exceptionally careful driving of the new School bus. 


The students had a great sausage sizzle lunch at Crescent Head and managed to catch some enormous fish in Killick Creek. What a wonderful day the students had, simply enjoying the beauty and relaxation of our own piece of paradise. 

A big thank you to Kerry-Anne Dillow for organising this ' breath of fresh air ' & ' breath of Aboriginal Dreamtime ' excursion.