Principal's Message

Linda Buckeridge: Principal

Linda Buckeridge - Principal
Linda Buckeridge - Principal



Hello Hillsmeade families!


Wow! What a fabulous week Bookweek was!!


The open afternoon/evening was extremely successful, despite some inclement weather. Thank you to our staff for being present after work hours to provide an opportunity for our community to engage in a range of fun and exciting activities. A huge thank you to our families for your attendance after school hours as well, it was lovely to see you all here and your active participation in the event. There were a wide variety of books to experience and hilarious and interesting tasks to be involved in related to each book. By all reports there was a lot of laughter and enjoyment from all involved.


It was an absolute delight to see our students dressed up on Friday and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the Bookweek Parade! There were so many different book characters to see: superheroes, a piranha, characters from the Wizard of Oz, an army figurine from Toy Story and enough Harry Potter characters to re-create the movie!!! Well done to all parents and carers who helped put the outfits together!

Our staff looked amazing too and you can see many of them below in the photo.

Bookweek 2022
Bookweek 2022

 I also enjoyed dressing up as Joy from Inside Out and it was a great effort from the Principal, Wellbeing and Admin team to pull together some very accurate representations of these characters!!

Inside Out
Inside Out

Parent Opinion Survey

Just a reminder to please complete the survey that has been provided to you via Compass and email. Your feedback is extremely valuable to improving our school and your voice is important to us. There are still two weeks left to have your say and we look forward to hearing from you.

Details can also be found on the next page in this newsletter.

School Fundraising

Next term we will be holding our first ever COLOUR RUN!! This event will take place on Friday 2nd December and all money raised will go towards ensuring every classroom has air conditioning. We are excited to make this an annual event and cannot wait to see our students and staff get involved!


Fathers and Special Others

Don't forget to come on down for some brekky on Friday morning at Breakfast Club. Some treats for the "big people" will be available as well as regular Breakfast Club items.

Wednesday 7th September - No students required at school

Just a reminder that Wednesday is our staff PPD Day. Students are not required at school on this day, however OSHC is available.

RUOK Day - 8th September

RUOK Day is an important day in the calendar to ensure we reach out and connect with each other. Here at HPS we will be acknowledging the day with a special student breakfast and various activities throughout the day. Don't forget that any day can be RUOK Day, as checking in on family and friends is always important.

Footy Day and last day of term

On Friday 16th September it is the last day of Term 3. This day is a footy dress up day and all codes of football are welcome! 

Just a reminder that school finishes at 2.30pm on that day.

Prep Enrolments 2023

Now is the time to ensure you have enrolled your child for Prep 2023 at Hillsmeade PS. Our transition program commences early Term 4 and for your child to be involved in this, they will need to be officially enrolled at the school. The earlier your enrolment, the more support and connections we can make with you and your child prior to their official commencement next year. Please contact the office on 9704 6313 if you require any support or pop in and grab an enrolment pack!

Chookas to our VSSS performers!

Wishing our performers all the best for their rehearsals and shows next weekend!! I can't wait to see you perform and show off all the hard work you have put in to getting yourselves ready for this big event!!