Year 6 Update

Tell your child the secret word is "Volcano" for bonus house points

Travis Cole 6A
Rebecca Borham 6B
Abbie Sheers 6C
Tabitha Carter 6D
Biljana Karac 6E
Travis Cole 6A
Rebecca Borham 6B
Abbie Sheers 6C
Tabitha Carter 6D
Biljana Karac 6E

Upcoming Learning

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

  • Fact vs Opinion and Word Meaning
  • Black out and Slam poetry
  • Time, Volume, Mass and Capacity
  • Earth Science - Volcanos 
  • To gain an understanding of democratic voting
Social & Emotional Learning
  • To understand how to manage stress and RUOK Day

News and Reminders


  • Fathers and Special Others Stall Thursday 1st September
  • RUOK Day Thursday 8th September
  • Payments are now being accepted for our Year 6 Camp in November. Please see Compass for more information.
  • Lightning Premiership Friday 9th September
  • Victorian State School Spectacular dress rehearsal Friday 9th September
  • Students can be reading from home using MyOn


Celebration of Learning