Year 5 Update

Matthew Bentvelzen 5A
Shondale Ferdinands 5B
Ashlee Broughill 5C
Ashneigh Hughes 5D
Shane Wright 5E
Matthew Bentvelzen 5A
Shondale Ferdinands 5B
Ashlee Broughill 5C
Ashneigh Hughes 5D
Shane Wright 5E

Upcoming Learning

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

Celebration of Learning


To develop our comprehension skills through our novel study of Wonder.



To write a response that follows the correct structure and language features.



To calculate volume, mass and capacity.


To revise my knowledge of pattern and algebra.




To develop our understanding of Earth and Space science. 



To understand important events in Australian history.


Social & Emotional LearningTo identify how to support peers by setting boundaries and communicating standards.

News and Reminders

  • Fathers Day Stall Wednesday 31st August and Thursday 1st September 
  • R U Ok Day Thursday 8th September
  • Students should be reading nightly and filling out their diaries. They should also be practicing their spelling words nightly for their spelling tests on a Friday. 
  • Victorian School Dental Service form due by 14th September.