Year 3 Update

Mr. Masson, Mrs. Middlebrook, Miss. Keller, Ms. Haworth, Mrs. Okamura

Scott Masson 3A
Karen Middlebrook 3B
Sabrina Keller 3C
Susan Haworth 3D
Carolyn Okamura 3E
Scott Masson 3A
Karen Middlebrook 3B
Sabrina Keller 3C
Susan Haworth 3D
Carolyn Okamura 3E

Current learning:

For this week and the next, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

ReadingTo take notice of exclamation marks during independent reading and change the way a text is read.
Writing Add dialogue to writing and use punctuation accurately.  
MathsDemonstrate effective strategies to solve multiplication and division problems.
ScienceTo investigate stars in our galaxy and how navigators use some constellations to find their way. 
InquiryTo inquire about the first fleet of convicts to Australia and how this impacted life for Aboriginals.  
Social & emotional learningRU OK Day. Show empathy for others and practice how to act if you perceive someone is not feeling ok.


Book Week and Spelling Bee  

Thank you to all students and family members who attended the Book Week open night on Tuesday and dressed up on Friday. There were many creative costumes and huge wide smiles. Thank you to all the students who sat the Prime Ministers Spelling Bee. For most of you this was the first time ever. Thank you all for giving it your best.