Year 2 Update

Jenny Elkin 2/A
Amanda Jones 2/B
Janelle Struth 2/B
Martine Ziino 2/C
Lisa Crowe 2/D
Amy Monagle 2/E
Maddison Maund 2/F
Jenny Elkin 2/A
Amanda Jones 2/B
Janelle Struth 2/B
Martine Ziino 2/C
Lisa Crowe 2/D
Amy Monagle 2/E
Maddison Maund 2/F

Upcoming Learning



To understand that synthesising is when our thinking grows and changes as we read.


Writing To understand how to construct an information report.

To compare and order several shapes and objects based on length and area.


Social & Emotional LearningTo explore and practise how to turn a negative thought into a positive thought.

To investigate the forces of friction.

To explore what items float and sink.



To learn about different countries and how people are connected to their culture.

To learn about the geographical features of different countries.



To learn about the trigraph igh as in night.

To understand what a proper noun is.


News and Reminders


Payment and information is out about Camp Manyung. Please check Compass. 



We are having a few students bringing in valuable items to school and losing it or breaking it. Can you please remind your child to leave anything valuable at home.


Celebration of Learning

2F's Book Week Dress Up
2F's Book Week Dress Up
2D's Book Week Dress Up
2D's Book Week Dress Up
2C's Book Week Costume
2C's Llamas from Peru
2C's Book Week Costume
2C's Llamas from Peru
2A's Book Week Costume
Emmet, Ollie, Josh and Hudson
2A's Book Week Costume
2A ordering themselves from tallest to shortest
Amelia publishing her writing
Maryam and Mehnaz using the bump it up wall
2A's Book Week Costume
Emmet, Ollie, Josh and Hudson
2A's Book Week Costume
2A ordering themselves from tallest to shortest
Amelia publishing her writing
Maryam and Mehnaz using the bump it up wall