Year 1 Update

Miss Zach, Miss Papa, Mrs Candy, Mrs Herres and Mrs Beamish.

Emma Zach- 1A
Adrianna Papa- 1B
Tiffany Candy- 1C
Angela Herres- 1D
Wendy Beamish- 1E
Emma Zach- 1A
Adrianna Papa- 1B
Tiffany Candy- 1C
Angela Herres- 1D
Wendy Beamish- 1E


Term 3! Weeks 8 and 9.

Check out what’s happening in Year 1


Upcoming Learning


During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in following areas:

  • Phonics: -We are learning about the 'ir' and the 'ur' diagraphs.
  • Non Fiction books! We are reading a range of  Non-fiction books and delving into the features. This is also supporting our information reports in writing.
  • Weekly sight word and decoding practice.
  • We are making our own information reports on various animals.
  • We are focusing on Subtraction and the different strategies that we can use. 
  • 'Physical Science- Exploring light and engaging in a range of experiments on light and sound.
  •  Sustainability-  Designing posters on how we can help the environment.
Social & emotional learning
  • R U OK Day.

News and Reminders

-Australian animal Incursion Tuesday 6th September.  The Year 1's have a mobile zoo coming straight to our classrooms! Price is $15 per student to touch, hold and learn all about these wonderful Australian animals.

-Wednesday 7th of September- Curriculum day. No students at school on this day.

-Thursday 8th of September- R U OK Day! Students wear yellow on this day.

-Please send blue reading bags to school daily so teachers can check in with sight words and nights of reading.


Celebration of Learning

Book week dress up day!!
Book week dress up day!!
Cups of Courage!
Cups of courage! What's inside your cup?
Cups of Courage!
Cups of courage! What's inside your cup?
Book Week Open Night - The Flying Chicken) and making catapults for the chicken to fly.
Book Week Open Night - The Flying Chicken) and making catapults for the chicken to fly.
Book Week Open Night - The Flying Chicken) and making catapults for the chicken to fly.
Book Week Open Night - The Flying Chicken) and making catapults for the chicken to fly.
Designing our Sustainability posters in 1C.
Designing our Sustainability posters in 1C.
Designing our Sustainability posters in 1C.
Designing our Sustainability posters in 1C.