Early Learning Centre

Vacancies available at our ELC for children 3 years and over. 

$95 per day -Less your Child Care Subsidy eligibility. 

You can contact the ELC or pop in for a visit. 

Phone: 9704 6313 - Option ELC

Email: elc@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au



What is happening in the ELC

Our Learning

Throughout this fortnight, the children have been undertaking learning in the following areas:


  • Reading story books and reflecting up on them-Who, What, When, Why, Where? 
  • Reading stories and developing an understanding of first, middle and end.
  • Listening to and deciphering rhyming words in books
  • Children’s sign in sheets 
  • Alphabet and number charts and first dictionaries on offer at the drawing table
  • Creating symbols to express meaning 
  • Pin prick pictures. 
  • Recognizing and writing numbers 1-5 in sand trays 
  • Science experiment-creating sun catchers with Epsom salts, hot water and plastic lids.
  • Exploring sources of light, day and night.
  • Children explore how light changes what we see
  • Children explore the relationships between light and colour
Social & emotional learning
  • Children have continued to use the Zones of Regulation and place their images on the coloured zones as they feel different emotions
  • Continued to implement calming techniques and use the calm down spaces
  • Explore the concept of gratitude, though stories and guided meditation

News and Reminders

  • 8th September- R U OK day
  • 16th September – Last day of Term 3

Celebration of Learning 

Light exploration
Science experiments- creating sun catchers and rainbows.
Light exploration
Light exploration
Science experiments- creating sun catchers and rainbows.
Light exploration