
Upcoming Events for your Diaries

Our calendar is updated regularly. Please refer to the Compass Calendar for the latest information.




Mon 29 AUG  
Tue 30 

 School tour 10:00am -Meet at School office  

      Registration is via this online form:               

Wed 31 Fathers and special others stall *See upcoming page for details
Thu 1 SEPT Fathers and special others stall
Fri 2 8:00am-8:45am Fathers and special others Breakfast club. Meet near basketball courts.



Mon 5 SEPT  
Tue 6 

SRC Money line *See page in this LINK for details.


Year 1 Australian Animals Incursion. *Details on Compass

Wed 7 

Teacher’s professional practice day- No students required at School


Thu 8 

RUOK Day. Special breakfast club serving pancakes from 8am. Meet near basketball courts.


VSSS dress rehearsals *Details on Compass

Fri 9 

2:30pm SCHOOL ASSEMBLY in Hall


9:00am-2:00pm Inter School Sports & Lightning Prem. *Details on Compass 


VSSS dress rehearsals *Details on Compass

 *Victorian State School Spectacular Concert on Sat 10th



Mon 12 SEPT  
Tue 13 Canteen FOOTY SPECIAL Combo *See Canteen page in this LINK
Wed 14 

Make-Up Photo day & Year 6 Graduation Photos *Details on Compass


Prep Wildlife exposure- Australian Animals INCURSION *Details on Compass 


Yr4/5/6 Division Athletics Squad. *Details on Compass

Thu 15  
Fri 16 

Footy dress up day!  *All codes of football are welcome.


Last day Term 3  

School finishes at 2.30pm