Students of the Week
Week Ending 26/8/'22
Class | Student | Reason |
| Ethan | For having a fantastic week of learning. You have been super focused on your work and have been on time every day. Keep up the good work!
| Liam | For being a kind and caring student who is always enthusiastic about learning. You have been working extremely hard to get your work finished in the designated time frame. Well done!!! |
12N | Justice | For not giving up when tasks become tricky! You are always the first to begin your writing work and display amazing qualities during reading to self. Keep up the fantastic work 😊 |
23R | Zoe | For working hard to be better organised and for staying focussed on her work. Keep up the great work Zoey! |
34W | Mackenzie | For settling back into the routine of school this week and showing resilience, I'm very proud of you.
45S | Ash-Lee | For another consistent week from a student who continues to demonstrate our school values both in and out of the classroom! |
| Ava | For demonstrating excellent leadership skills and resilience this week. You are a valuable member of our class who strives to achieve your personal best for every task. Keep up the great work Ava!
| For enthusiastically participating in all activities. You confidently read a range of books and you have shown a very good understanding of texts during comprehension tasks. You are also taking opportunities to extend your leadership skills as you competently assist junior students. A fantastic effort!
Science | Sienna & Georgie | This week’s Science Award goes to two students who have gone above and beyond to assist Junior Classes with their Science Project work, for the topic of Wings. Both students modelled all of the School Values when assisting with these classes and it was a pleasure to watch them lead the younger students. This week’s Science Award goes to Sienna & Georgie. |
Values Rohan | Wyleigh | This week’s Values Award goes to one of the most caring students in the school. He has impeccable manners, always looks to help others, takes time out of his day to clean up rubbish in the school and is an attentive listener. This week’s Values Award goes to Wyleigh. |
Week Ending 2/9/'22
Class | Student | Reason |
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| Thea | For being actively involved in all our learning experiences. Thea always presents her work neatly and colourfully. Keep up the great work Thea! |
12N | Max | For always being a responsible, respectful and caring member of our school community. You have really worked hard on improving your writing stamina and techniques as well as your reading fluency – you’re a superstar 😊 |
23R |
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34W |
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45S | Jake | Really persisting in all Athletic Sports Day Activities – a sensible and focused attitude was shown all day! |
| Ashley | For being a cooperative and productive member of our class. You always strive to achieve your best and have an excellent grasp of a range of mathematics concepts and strategies. On Athletics Sports Day, you attempted every event and improved your performance with each attempt. You have an excellent attitude towards your learning. Well done Ashley!
| Harmony
| For creating an interesting hand puppet. Your instructions on how to make this puppet were clear and informative. You also enthusiastically and constructively participated in all the robotics activities. An awesome effort!
Science |
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Art |
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Music | Nick | You always arrive to Music with a positive attitude and join in all activities with enthusiasm. You always join in class discussions and share great ideas. Well done Nick.
Values Rohan |