Outside the Classroom

Robotics Club
The Robotics Club has been working on developing their robot engineering and programming skills ready for the release of this year's competition launch.
The theme, "Super Powered", launched in August. The teams will be investigating where energy comes from and how energy is distributed, stored and used.
The season has finally launched and for roughly 12 weeks, our two teams will be frantically engaged in research, problem-solving, coding, and engineering to solve two main problems:
1. Design, build and program an autonomous robot that can complete challenges on a game board to score as many points as possible in two and a half minutes. They will have to explain their decisions to judges and the strategies they have used.
2. Conduct a research project to identify and explain a problem with the energy system and develop a solution to this. This will then be shared with a panel of judges.
This is Coburg High School's first year competing in the international competition, First Lego League, and we are looking forward to seeing what we can achieve.
If you work in the energy sector and would be happy for the team to get in contact with you with any questions about the season, please email shane.nash@coburg.vic.edu.au with a brief description of your job and how it fits into the energy system.
Shane Nash
Coburg Robotics Club
House Program
This term has been filled with plenty of events to see students receive house points.
Many interschool sports were undertaken, as well as students involved in the sportshop and Coburg Collective. Students' brains were tested with debating, mathematics, library masters, production, and language competitions. Points were awarded for Integrity, Community, Excellence and Curiosity.
While there were some bumps and bruises leading to the Grand Final on Thursday September 5th, a Coburg’s Got Talent winner was crowned.
The first round saw the following students compete during lunchtime of Week 8 in the Theatrette.
Dancer Namira S,
Musicians Douglas J, Ninyana S, Holly D,
Singers Jessie C, Will K, Keiffer B, Eloise B, Soma O, Bonnie Z.
Ninyana S, Jessie C, Soma O, Bonnie Z, Eloise B and Will K.
Top 3
#1 Eloise B with a self composed song accompanied by her ukulele.
#2 Will K singing Yellow by Coldplay accompanied by the piano
#3 Jessie C with a self composed song accompanied by her own backing track.
Current House points
Lake 6663
Merri 5981
Pentridge 5803
Bell 5658
Lydia Burns
House Coordinator
Chinese Calligraphy
On Friday, September the 2nd all of the students who chose to do Chinese mandarin at Coburg high school were given the opportunity to participate in ancient Chinese calligraphy writing. Students learned how to use traditionalMODEL UN 2022
After several years online, the annual Model UN returned to life this year in the theatrette at CHS.
A model UN is a simulation of the debates that take place in the General Assembly in New York. 78 students participated, including 48 from CHS, as well as guests from Northcote HS, Brunswick SC and Reservoir SC. Students worked in teams of three, each representing a country. Their challenge was to represent the interests of that country and its government accurately, regardless of their personal views. VCE and year 10 politics students had been preparing speeches and researching their countries for several weeks prior.
The topic of the debate was 'pathways to peace' with students debating a draft resolution calling on countries to seek peaceful resolution to disputes, uphold human rights, support refugee resettlement and take action on climate change.
Debate became fiery in the afternoon, with amendments over watering down human rights provisions moved by some countries, while others called for reparations for colonialism and greater support for refugees. The resolution passed with significant amendments.
The event was run by the United Nations Association of Australia, with Carlisle Richardson, a former diplomat representing St Kitts and St Nevis, chairing debates in the role of Secretary-General.
Jaan Butler
Jazz in the Afternoon
Recently students from our junior and senior jazz programs performed at ‘Jazz In the Afternoon’ atJazz Lab in Brunswick. It was a great day and a wonderful opportunity for these young musicians.
Art Show
On Thursday 8th of September a group of talented Coburg High School students volunteered their time to participate in the Coburg Primary School Arts Show. Students were given an opportunity to share their many talents including busking, selling arts and crafts, teaching others to make zines and selling delicious homemade baked goods. This was a fantastic opportunity for us to engage with the wonderful Coburg Primary School community and bring families and students together. We were also fortunate to see the glorious art exhibitions of the primary students and watch their musical talents as they performed during the evening. It was a really special event. A huge thank you to all of the students who participated.
Kate Lennon
Little Dreamers
Hannah and Romi from Little Dreamers have begun their journey in supporting and getting to know Young Carers at our school. Each Tuesday lunch time, Hannah who was also a Young Carer to her mother and Romi (a passionate volunteer) bring snacks and interesting activities for students to enjoy and participate in. Last Tuesday, we creatively made dream boards to discuss our experiences and capture our goals for the future over hot chips. Yum! Other unique activities include, using a rainbow yarn to reflect on what we like and the web of connection it weaves to playing a game of, "would you rather?"
Little Dreamers is Australia's leading Young Carer organisation supporting young people who provide unpaid care for a family member affected by disability, chronic or mental illness, addiction or frail age. They will continue to facilitate activities for Term 4. If this interests you, please contact Pek Lin from Student Wellbeing in person or via email peklin.cerase@coburg.vic.edu.au to become a member.
For the final assessment of the year our Unit 2 Biology students were fortunate enough to put their experience into practice at the Melbourne Zoo!
The budding biologists participated in some key data collection in the Butterfly House and learned all about the captive breeding program for one of Australia’s most critically endangered species - the Southern Corroboree Frog.
Although it was a cloudy & slightly rainy day, it was great to get out of the classroom and learn all about the importance of genetic diversity and adaptations in the real world. Big thank you to all the students for being so engaged and well behaved all day!
The VCE Biology Team (Callum, Donna & Jess)
Southern Corroboree Frog Facts:
- Their attractive and bright colours signal their poisonous trait (a key structural adaptation which protects them from predators)
- The Corroboree frog is the only frog which can produce its own poison (all other poisonous frogs consume poisonous things for this trait!)
- They are inactive during the winter, remaining under logs or litter on the woodland floor (known as winter torpor, a physiological adaptation)
- Sadly, there are approximately only 50 Southern Corroboree Frogs left in their native habitat, Mt. Kosciuszko National Park
- A key threat to their survival is the impact of the Chytrid Fungus, an invasive pathogen which affects their cell membranes (salt channels) and causes heart attacks
- The Melbourne Zoo breeding program has been making important contributions to the survival of the Southern Corroboree Frog since 2001. If you are interested in knowing more (or donating to this cause) please read the attached Melbourne Zoo fact sheet.