School News

Goal Setting Conferences

Goal Setting Conferences will be occurring with families and students during weeks 5 and 6 of this term.


More information about Goal Setting Conferences and bookings for the meetings will be distributed on Friday of week 3. 

Morning Drop Off

It has been brought to our attention that a number of students are arriving at school prior to the 8:30am bell when Yard Duty begins.  For the safety of all students we ask that parents make arrangements so that students are not left unsupervised in the school yard. 


The school provides a before school care service to ensure that all students are supervised appropriately before 8:30am. Please contact the OSHC on 84435308 to arrange enrolment.


If there is an occasion when students arrive close to 8:30am we ask that they wait on the steps outside the Front Office.

Council Parking

From 29th January 2018 until 23rd February 2019, The City of West Torrens Council will have compliance officers, in high visibility vests, visit the streets around the school to explain the street signs and to offer brochures with further information regarding the  different zones. During this period compliance officers will  only be educating drivers  for any offences.


From Monday 25th February 2019 the compliance team will be patrolling all the school pick up and drop off zones within the Council area on a regular basis and may issue expiation notices for offences that are identified.

School photos

School photos will be on Tuesday 5th March 2019. Keep this date in mind when making appointments for your child/children as they will miss being in their class photos.