Library News

This week is Book Week- 22-26 August 2022!
We are celebrating Book Week (organised by the Children’s Book Council of Australia) in the library this week and next week. We are bringing books to students through Book Hooks with guest readers, art, secret codes and cats.
We are looking forward to classes visiting us and for students to come in during break times to enjoy the Year 7 and 8 art displays, hear a book reading, crack a code and relax with a special little cat called Winston! Year 7 and 8 art classes are visiting us to see displays and creating a cat bookmark.
The theme this year is “Dreaming with your eyes open.” This year CBCA artist, illustrator Jasmine Seymore said, "Dreaming is not something that belongs to the past. It is all around us, now, then and always.”
The CBCA shortlist contains works the Book Council judges believe reflect our capacity to dream. While this theme can mean different things to different people, some books focus on being brave, accepting ourselves or facing life’s challenges. The common thread of dreams being all around us and in the present, is captured by all the books in the shortlist. Our first guest reader was Assistant Principal, Mrs Sparke who read to 8M.
Over the next few weeks we will be showcasing many of these titles to our students and we are looking forward to having our students writing book reviews for this year’s winners through the Accelerated Reader’s program. Our fortnightly Book Club is also on later this week.
Premier’s Reading Challenge 2022
The 2022 Challenge is now complete. Congratulations to those students who completed this year’s Challenge. We hope you have enjoyed the challenge. Well done!
Ms Libby Laird - Teacher Librarian