Library News

Miss Debbie

Library News

Wow! What a busy last couple of weeks we have had in the library! First a visit from Andy Lee, then three more authors. On 16th June our final author will visit for our Foundation students.


We were extremely lucky to have had Andy Lee visit our Year 1-4’s to read his latest book “Do Not Open This Book for Eternity”.  His presentation was fun, interactive with students asking him amazing questions, and Andy reading his book was such a special treat.  It seems that Andy sneaking up and giving Ms DeYoung a bit of a fright was a highlight for many students.  How lucky are we to have had such a wonderful person visit our school?

Unfortunately, our presenter, Sofie Laguna, was unwell on Tuesday, so we have had to reschedule this visit for our Foundation students.  Sofie will now be visiting us on Friday 16 June.  We are looking forward to another interesting and interactive presentation from Sofie.


Our “Inspiring Young Writers, Readers and Illustrators Week” was kicked off with Claire Saxby.  She wrote “Iceberg”, the Children’s Book of the Year Picture book winner in 2022.  Claire Saxby was here to talk about being an author, she read “Iceberg” to our Year 1 & 2 students, and then they made their own Icebergs.  It was such messy fun!  The best question ever was from one of these sessions where a student who asked, “How do you feel when you write a book?”. 

On Wednesday, our Grade 5 & 5’s had the wonderful Author, Coral Vass come and talk to them about her book “Sorry Day”, which won the 2019 Illustration Award in the CBCA Book of the Year.  A stunning book about the Stolen Generations.  It was very timely with National Sorry Day on Friday 26 May and Reconciliation Week from 27 May – 3 June.  The history of the Stolen Generations was explained to our students, information about the Illustrator and his story of meeting his biological mother for the first time when he was 25 years old, as well as Coral reading “Sorry Day”.  It was a heartfelt and moving presentation.


Finally, Adam Wallace came and engaged our Years 3 & 4 with his unique, energetic, and entertaining presentation.  The students learnt how to get ideas for writing a story, they then did some stick figure drawing, and finally drew various animals.  Adam is amazing at getting our students to be totally enthralled with his presentation.  Adam was generous with his drawings – giving four to various people in our school, signing most students’ drawings and smiling all the time.  If you would like to follow some more drawing with Adam here is a link to some free eBooks -



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