Arts News

Red Moort Art Camp

Last week Year Eleven Drama and Visual Arts students left early on Thursday morning to head to the Songlines sculpture at Twin Creeks, Porongurup Range where we met Aunty Carol Pettersen. Aunty Carol accompanied us to the Red Moort Reserve run by Bush Heritage.


Year Twelve Geography students also attended the camp. We walked through the reserve to see the Red Moort woodland, an eagle nest with kangaroo bones littered beneath and a huge Orb spider. 


We spent the afternoon exploring the story ‘Carers of Everything’ by Dr Noel Nannup. Visual Arts students created imagery and headdresses whilst Drama students workshopped how to perform the story. This will be performed at the Arts Exhibition later this year on the afternoon of Sunday 10 September. It was an enriching and inspiring two days in a very beautiful landscape. 

Shaun Tan Award for Young Artists

The Shaun Tan Art Award run by Subiaco Library is open for entries. This award has been running for 21 years and encourages innovation, imagination, and creativity. The school selects four entries by young artists for this award. If you have a drawing or painting that you would like to enter, you can also enter yourself. Entries close on Monday 22 May. 


"Local art awards were always a big deal for me growing up in suburban Perth, not for prizes or competition, but as a place to send paintings and drawings – and a reason to actually finish things! – and sometimes receive positive feedback. Moreover, I gained so much from seeing the work of same-age peers, meeting other young artists, and getting my first inkling of an artistic community beyond home and school". Shaun Tan 


Ms Rachel Mordy | Head of the Arts