Student Superstars!

Recognising Our Talented Students.

Premiere's Debating Challenge, Round 1

The Premier’s Debating Challenge takes place every year. This year, we entered the competition with a team of 6 amazing representatives:

Zavier R - first speaker

Daniel N - second speaker

Travis L - third speaker

Arwyn C - alternating fourth speaker

Phillip R - alternating fourth speaker

Harper W - alternating fourth speaker

We competed against our first team in the Campbelltown network on Friday the 12th of May. It was Woodland Road Woodies vs. Rosemeadow Rosies. The topic for the debate was ‘we should make school hours longer’ and we were the affirmative team. Rosemeadow Rosies came out on top, but we had a blast and walked away with some great feedback to take into the next round. 

Well done Woodies! 



Zone Soccer Team

Congratulations to Aidan Cini and Fletcher Whiddon who have been selected in the Campbelltown PSSA Zone Soccer Team. They will compete at the Sydney South West Regional Championships on Monday 19th June. Good luck boys!!