What's been happening this term?

Welcome Mrs Kochar, K-2 Fun Run, 3-6 Cross Country and Culture Day

Welcome Mrs Kochar

K-6 Koalas (Support Unit) have welcomed our new Assistant Principal, Mrs Kochar. We are so excited to have Mrs Kochar as part of our Woodland Road family!


K-2 Fun Run

K-2 participated in their Fun Run on Tuesday 2nd May. All students were asked to run 2 laps of the oval in their grade groups and then later participate in a Fun Run where they had to run as many laps as they could! K-2 teachers were extremely impressed with their stamina! It was a fantastic day!



Cross Country Carnival

Our annual school Cross Country Carnival was held on Tuesday 2nd May.  Students from Years 2-6 had the opportunity to participate and they all put in a mighty effort!

Congratulations to the following Age Group Champions:

8/9 Years Girls – Lila Lawrence 

8/9 Years Boys – Ryder Pearson

10 Years Girls – Matilda Lee

10 Years Boys – Henry Zammit

11 Years Girls – Arwyn Cunliffe

11 Years Boys – Sonny Chounlamountry

12/13 Years Girls – Cora Harland

12/13 Years Boys – Aidan Cini

Well done to the green Kangaroo house group for being the winners of the carnival point score.

Our school Cross Country team will compete at the zone carnival on Friday 26th May. We wish them well. Go Woodies!! 


Culture Day 

Week 4 was an exciting and significant day for our school's Junior AECG leaders where they had the opportunity to go to Mt Annan Botanical Gardens for a ‘Cultural Experience Day’. They had the opportunity to immerse themselves in traditions and activities of the Aboriginal people. We got to learn how the First Nations people started fires, our group worked at this for 40 minutes and were able to produce smoke! The team were very excited and also a little disappointed at the lack of a flame. We also were able to learn how to make traditional tea from lemon myrtle, finger lime and bush basil. One of our students enjoyed this so much they had four cups! Next, we watched how to make Ochre which was quickly followed by the team painting themselves from head to toe in ceremonial paint. 


The two main activities were weaving and making Gunyahs. Weaving was a little tricky but the students each walked away with a bracelet made from raffia and a more in depth knowledge of this tradition from the First Nations People. The Gunyah making was the favourite of the day and had the students creating amazing traditional shelters out of materials from the land. One group was able to create a Gunyah fitting all three students in. 


The day ended with a Yarning circle where the team learnt about an array of different traditional artifacts used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The leader thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to further build on their knowledge of their own cultures. They especially enjoyed being able to have a go at using the traditional telephone used by the First Nations People to communicate between tribes.