Learning & Teaching

Year 4 News

Year 4 Camp 

Monday 15 to Wednesday 17, May 2023


The Year Fours enjoyed a wonderful three days of camp at UC Grantville last week. Students enjoyed six outdoor activities, delicious food and warm bunks! The weather was on our side and the views were spectacular. A huge thanks to Mr O’Shea, Mr Weekes, Mrs Gerecke, Mrs De Iuliis and Mr Millane for coming and making our experience so memorable.


Some Year 4 reflections


The low ropes was the most fun team activity with a lot of activities in it.  The Seesaw was the first activity, the second was Titanic and the third was Crisscross. You had to balance a seesaw with everybody on it and it was hard! The Titanic was so fun and the point was to get the rope and get on a platform by swinging across. We made it to level 42 which was the same just on a smaller platform and there were nine people. It was so hard. It was definitely the best team activity and it was so fun. (James L)

The food was one of my favourite things at Grantville. My favourite was the delicious lasagne and chips. It tasted so good. Other good foods included vegetable soup, hamburgers, pancakes and chocolate mousse. The chef never managed to make something I didn’t like and we were all allowed seconds if we wanted. It was delicious and I had never had a better meal at a camp before. (Ethan M) 


The  food at camp was amazingly good.  On the first night the we had pumpkin soup, beef, peas, corn and potatoes. It was so good people came back for seconds. The food was so good, I wish I could go back there. (Freddie G)

The High Ropes was an activity that I thought was  lots of fun. You could choose any activity there was: Leap of Faith, Wobbly Bridge, Catwalk and one more I can't remember. You would choose one and then climb up a ladder but the ladder was too small and not tall enough to reach the top so there were U shaped pegs to climb instead. The Leap of Faith was my favourite though it was very scary. Most kids climbed to the top of the ladder then jumped down but I was one of the very few kids that went to the top. I was scared but the instructor Patty encouraged me to go to the top and I did. It was so much fun and I get why everyone loved it so much but I still couldn’t wait to get on the ground and back in my cabin. (Peter C)


The Giant Swing was one of the scariest activities on camp and the most exciting.

I was quite nervous for the Giant Swing. When we got there they put a harness on us and then we got buckled in. We were pulled up to a height in between 1m and 18m (if it was too high for you, you say stop). Then you let go of the rope and you would swing up and down very quickly. I loved the Giant Swing and I wish I could go on it again.  (Lachie H)

The Giant Swing at Grantville was so fun and I wish I could do it again. We started off by the first four people putting their harness on and got clipped onto the rope and got pulled up by their group. You could go up to the top which was 18 metres or go as low as you liked. Then you would let go of the rope whenever you felt comfortable and you went soaring through the air. I really enjoyed this experience and I was so happy we got to have two turns.(Lucy J)


The Giant Swing was the best activity I did on camp in my opinion. Lots of people loved it in my group because lots of people had to step out of their comfort zone. 

It was probably the scariest activity I did because you went up 16 metres high. You have to wear a harness because a rope is attached to you and the group pulls you up to a height that you want to get to swung from. (Fred M)

We all got off the bus and started to eat our recess. When we were all finished, the camp instructors led us to the soccer field where we played Octopus. After that, the camp instructors told us who were in our cabins!!! I was with all of the girls! Our cabin number was cabin 8! We all went to our cabins and found out that our cabin was one of the biggest ones! It had 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. We decided to have 1 bedroom with all the girls in 4MD and the other bedroom with all of the girls in 4JM!!  (Charlotte O)


Canoeing was by far my favourite activity on camp and probably the most fun. First the instructor told us about the basic turns and how to reverse and how to move forward. Then we finally got on the water. Canoeing with all my friends was so much fun. I really appreciated the opportunity to be able to canoe. It was definitely my favourite activity. (Conor C)  

Semester 1 Assessment and Reporting

At this time of every school year, our teachers complete formal school reports for your children, reflecting their learning progress and achievement across the semester. Many hours are spent fine-tuning these documents before they appear in front of parents and children. Your child's school report will be sent home electronically at the end of Term 2, Friday 23 June. More information on how to access your child's Semester 1 Report will be communicated via our Audiri app closer to the date.


Thanks to our dedicated teachers for all their efforts as they complete these detailed and important documents, reporting on each child's learning progress and achievement in the first part of the 2023 school year.