Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


We’re all here because we all want the best for each child and each member of our school community. Our community is our strength. It’s that simple.  


Parent support is vital and greatly valued at Sacred Heart Kew. We partner with each and every parent so your child(ren) can flourish each and every day. This partnership is built upon a number of important blocks: trust, respect and communication to name, just a few. 


Communication from the school - different platforms and their purpose


As we all know, at Sacred Heart Kew we make use of a variety of different online communication platforms, for different purposes. These are: 

  • Seesaw App - communicating/sharing children’s work and learning with parents.
  • Operoo, Audiri (new name for Skoolbag App), the school newsletter and our termly curriculum overviews - all communicate school related information, dates, activities and reminders to families throughout the year.  

Communication from parents - different forms and appropriate use


As previously outlined in the newsletter this year…


Your child(s) classroom teacher is always the FIRST port of call


From time to time, you may have information regarding your child that may be relevant to your child(s) classroom teacher.  Or you may have a question or query, related to the classroom or another aspect of school life.  In these instances, your child(s) classroom teacher is always the FIRST port of call.  


Emailing Staff


As part of our communication policy at Sacred Heart Kew is that any email correspondence from parents to staff members needs to be sent to admin@shkew.catholic.edu.au and this will then be forwarded on to the relevant staff member. Parents are also reminded that any emails received outside of school hours and on the weekend, will not be replied to or followed up until the following school day.  


External communication - Online Parent WhatsApp & Facebook groups


We all know that WhatsApp and Facebook groups can be great tools for communication, particularly, in our social and family circles. We understand that these groups have been created and are used by class/year level representatives to relay relevant information to the whole parent level/class. Whilst we understand the function and use of these groups, a reminder that external social media groups are separate from our school based information that we communicate. These groups and some of the conversations and views that are sometimes shared on this platform are not supported by the school.  As mentioned above, for reminders, especially in times where we are extremely busy, all families are encouraged to refer to communication from the school for clarity and accuracy. Inaccurate or messages that contradict school based communication can be problematic and often leads to confusion and or disillusion from school community members. 


This also pertains to any issues that parents may need to raise with the school. If this situation does arise, I encourage all parents to contact the appropriate staff member here at the school, if there are any issues that we need to address, discuss or follow up on. The school needs to be given the opportunity to learn of any issues in our school or community in an appropriate manner, via the appropriate communication channels. WhatsApp and/or Facebook groups are not the forum for these issues. Please contact the appropriate school staff member, so your issue can be addressed in a timely manner. If we do not know, we cannot act. We are here to listen, discuss and support all our school community members. Just let us know.      


As mentioned above, we are most appreciative of all our parents and families, and greatly value your input and support. I believe that the relationship that exists between our parents and our teachers/staff members is one of the great strengths of our community and something that we dearly value. We are fortunate to have staff who are committed, highly competent professionals who encourage and inspire our students. We are also lucky to have parents who are enthusiastic, supportive and involved in our community. Our students enjoy school life, love learning and thrive in a happy, secure and caring environment. We are all very proud of our school.  


To this end, I share with you a snapshot of our MACSSIS 2022 (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools - School Improvement Survey Family Detailed Results), highlighting this positive relationship and all our positive gains, over the last couple of years. 

As we continue to partner with you, supporting your child(ren), with their learning, wellbeing and overall development, I sincerely thank you for entrusting your special little people to our care and guidance, each and every day. We are extremely grateful for your ongoing support and willingness to work with us, so each child can enjoy their time here at Sacred Heart Kew. 


Wishing all school community members a lovely weekend.


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes


School Principal