Principal's Panorama

Miss Justine Goonan

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,


Year 5/6 Camp

This week in the early hours of the day, our Year 5/6 students excitedly boarded the bus with Ms Oliver and Mr Barlee to Melbourne for our Urban Camp experience. Students enjoyed activities including a MCG Tour, visiting Queen Victoria Markets, Melbourne Zoo and much more. It certainly was an action packed camp, which was thoroughly enjoyed. Our Year 5/6 students are going to share more about their experiences next week at the Year 5/6 Assembly. A big thank you to Celeste and Matt for giving up their time to make this happen for our students.


After School Care

I attended the Towong Shire Community meeting to discuss the provision of After School Care for the Corryong community. Towong Shire are aiming to get this service up and running for Term Three, with the hope they will be able to begin with three afternoons a week for After School Care. In the future they plan on exploring Holiday Care and Before School Care. If you are interested in your child using the After School Care service, please get in touch, so I can pass on some more information about the service.


Students Unwell

Recently with the change to the weather, we have had many students away feeling unwell with a variety of symptoms. We continue to practice and encourage good hand hygiene at school. We ask for parents and carers to please keep your child/ren home if they are unwell. In the event that your child is unwell at school, we will call home to request you to come and pick up your child immediately.


CASEA/PP Programs

We are fortunate to be able to provide lots of opportunities for our parents and carers to engage with external services to support your child/ren. I encourage you to please review the information about CASEA and Positive Parenting flyers in this newsletter, and to take up these opportunities if suitable to support your child at home. 


Winter Uniform

Our mornings are mighty chilly, with it only warming up around lunchtime. Students are asked to wear long sleeves and pants in the morning, otherwise it makes our morning play and exercise times pretty uncomfortable. Students are welcome to change into shorts later in the day as the weather warms up, but given most mornings this week it has been around 2 degrees, it's important they're wearing warm clothing.


Recycle, Earn & Play

Our School is collecting bread and wrap bags so we can score some new sports equipment. The more bags we have, the more points we earn! So please save them and your child can pop them into our collection box in term 2. 



Justine Goonan


Principal, Sacred Heart School


For upcoming events please see the Term Two Calendar.