Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Year 9 Camp

Read about our inaugural Year 9 Camp!

Middle School Update

With half of Term Two almost completed, we continue to ‘tick off’ the events and opportunities our students engage in as part of their schooling journey. These experiences continue to add to our young people's holistic development, including learning that occurs in and out of the classroom. 


A huge thank you to Mr Old for coordinating Salvado Catholic College’s first Year 9 Camp. With the support of our wonderful group leaders, including Mrs Thomas, Mr Cave, Mr Johns and Ms Maciupa, the three-day two-night camp in Dwellingup was a fantastic success. Talking with the students as they arrived off the bus was entertaining as they recalled various stories, which will be positive memories they will cherish even after graduating from SCC.


We continue to ask for the support of parents and caregivers to develop our students to the best of their potential. There are very clear guidelines and expectations for our students, which are made available to the community, and these will be referred to daily, to ensure all students are treated with fairness and equity. Some ongoing concerns include the following:

  • Punctuality: Students must be in their PCGs by 8:30am and arrive at classes on time.
  • Uniform: Boys must wear a tie and tuck their shirts in. Girls to wear a tie-bow. 
  • Personal presentation: No makeup is to be worn, and only one set of simple earrings or studs with no diamonds or pearls. Hair should be one natural colour, and if it touches the collar, needs to be put in a pony-tail for boys and girls.
  • Friday is our House Day, where students must wear House shirts and not the red PE shirts. If they choose not to wear their House shirt, then formal uniform should be worn.
  • Prepared for class: iPads need to be fully charged in the morning, so that they are able to be used all day without having to be charged.
  • Study: On average, students should be completing at least 1 hour a night, six days a week, which includes homework, revision, reading a book, etc.

As is mentioned to our students, when teachers don’t have to continually remind or ask why these simple expectations aren’t being met, their days become more about learning and being educated and less about why they aren’t meeting our guidelines. 


Mr Brendan McGrath

Head of Middle School (Yr 7 to Yr 9)