Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Curriculum Conversations


'A book is a gift you can open and open again.' ~ Garrison Keillor

Find out here the types of books and their advantages for your child, and inculcate the love of reading in them.

Junior School Update

We are halfway through Term 2 already! Time flies when you are having fun!


Commendations to Year 6 for a fantastic assembly item last week! 

The presentation was seamless and the topic reflecting their recent learning, was poignant… with a great sense of humour to boot! Information regarding Local, State and Federal Government formation and the passing of a bill process was finished off with a message that all of our voices are important. 


Recently, students have also been engaging in Maths Inquiry Tasks, working collaboratively to record answers and information. They have also participated actively in lessons on fraction / portions (1/2  1/3 , 1/4), and bringing lessons to life with bread!



Year 3 students celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation will soon have completed their Parent/Child workshops with 24:7 at the St Francis Xavier Parish. The focus was about ‘sorry’ and ‘forgiveness’, with great conversations between families. All Year 3 students have completed the artwork aligned with this part of the Religious Education. 



Year 4 understand multiculturalism and understand what that means by being reflective and understanding their own heritage. Multiculturalism is a word that describes a society where many different cultures live together. All cultures are respected as much as each other. 




Preparation for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion starts soon too!





One aspect of learning this week in Year 5 is preparation for Sorry Day. Every year, National Sorry Day reminds the colonist-descended people of the nation to remember the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.



Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)