Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

What's been happening in our Learning Spaces?



Look at what our beautiful Kindergarteners in Kindy Grey are up to.





The Early Years


This week we had our first Monday Pre-Kindy class. It was amazing to see how comfortable the children were entering the Learning Space in the morning. The students had a lot of fun getting used to their new learning space and investigating all the different areas. Mrs Simpson and Mrs Dunstan had a fabulous time getting to know all of our new Salvado students. The smiles in the pictures below show how much fun everyone had on their first day.


All screenings for Occupational Therapy and Speech have been completed. The Learning Space teachers will soon be doing feedback sessions with the specialists and then we will send home information for parents to review. If there are any queries regarding the information received, please contact your child's Learning Space teacher.



It has been fantastic to see the amazing work happening in Pre-Primary this Term. The students are responding so positively to the rotation activities they are doing during their Literacy time. The impact of this small-group style of learning is so obvious, it can be heard and seen by the huge amount of student participation.


Year One and Two

The Year One and Two students had lots of fun at the MJR presentation last week. The students were reminded about using positive language with each other and being positive at home. One significant message that was presented to the students was saying ‘OK!' when parents requested them to do something. An example the students found particularly funny was saying ‘OK!' as soon as they were asked to get out of bed in the morning. Marty, the presenter encouraged the students to record the word OK on their hand as a reminder. 

I hope the message has been remembered by all and that mornings are running smoothly every day before school. 



Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2)