A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers


The Salvado Code of Conduct (Code) applies to all members of the Salvado Catholic College Community - staff, students, parents/caregivers, volunteers and contract workers. 

Staff, parents, and students must behave in the manner described in the Code in all matters arising from their relationship to the education of students.


Through the Code we acknowledge the inherent vulnerability of the students in our care. We recognise that the safety and well-being of students depends upon the vigilance and diligence of all adults.  The Code does not give us detailed professional advice on specific behaviour. Rather, it describes the minimum requirements expected of us as members of the Salvado Community.  

As the Principal, I expect the Salvado Catholic College Community to conduct themselves personally and professionally in a way that maintains public trust and confidence in the school and the Church. We have a responsibility to students and their families, other members of the school community and the wider community to provide and support safe and competent education and care of students.  


We do our best to support other members of the school community to comply with the Code.  At Salvado Catholic College, we encourage our students to show the Spirt of Jesus in all they do and, in turn, the same is expected of all members of the College community.


A copy of the Salvado Catholic College Code of Conduct is available on the College website - https://www.salvado.wa.edu.au/guidelines-and-procedures  


Arrival at School

Just a reminder to all of our families that students should not be arriving at school before 8:15am unless they are going to OSH Club or before school activities such as Choir or sport training. Thank you for your support with this matter. 


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
