Physical Education

Hi Families,
It has been a huge term of PE & Sport and Term 3 will provide us with more fun and exciting opportunities.
Dates for your diaries
5&6 District Basketball - Monday 17th July
4-6 Athletics Trials - Wednesday 9 August
District Athletics (for individuals chosen) - Thursday 7 September
Year 4 District Basketball - Monday 11 September
Year 4 Gala Day
Such a fun day was had by all students on Tuesday at our Winter Gala Day! Congratulations to our Netball team coming 1st in the competition and to our European Handballs coming 2nd.
A big thank you to those parents that were able to take time out of their days and assist us also, it is very much appreciated.
Here are some of the highlights for our students from Tuesday….
The St. James Blue team (4F) had an amazing day in the AFL 9'S competition at Elgar Park last Tuesday. We played 4 rounds against different schools and were undefeated until we lost the semi-final against Wattle Park by 2 points. In all the games, we worked as a team, we shared the ball with each other, and were encouraging in all the games. We showed great respect to all the teams we played against and shook their hands after the games.
We loved singing the St.James song on the school oval when we got back. It was a fun and sporty day and we loved it! Special thanks to Mrs. Wall for organising and Mr. Flintoff for coaching and umpiring.
Go St.James!
On Tuesday 6th June the footy team had an amazing experience at Gala Day. We competed in 4 rounds and won 2. Our biggest win was against Mt Pleasant. We all tried our hardest and had great sportsmanship but unfortunately we lost in the semi finals. We did not win the final but we still had a great time. Overall we had lots of fun and enjoyed Gala Day! Can't wait for next year!
We went to Mullum stadium. We took our school bags and went in, our netball team was so excited so we went to court 5. Secondly the girls started to run back and forth on the court while Billie scored. In our first game Tahlia was goal shooter and Sophie was wing attack. Soon our game started. We ended up with three points! Billie had to do tally marks for the scoring. We won. Finally we won our semifinal round. The score was 8 to 1! We were so nervous to be in the grand final. Lastly, we had our grand final , it was so close the score was, 4-5 we won! Our team was so happy. We thought that our game was sensational!
Year 5 & 6 Gala Day
Our Year 5 & 6 students have their turn on Thursday - they will be participating in Netball, AFL and European Handball.
SSV Eastern Region Cross Country
Congratulations to Isaac N in year 6 and Xavier V in year 4 for competing in today's Eastern Region Cross Country. What a great experience and you have represented St James so well.
SSV AFL - State Team Selection
Congratulations to Ryland H in year 6 for getting through to the fourth round of State Team Selections - this is a great achievement.
Until next term, have a lovely and safe break.
Catherine Wall
Health and PE Teacher
Sport Coordinator