Education in Faith

Living the Gospel

Feast of the Sacred Heart

Every year the St James community comes together to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. As part of this celebration we are asking for donations for the St Vincent De Paul charity. Please make sure donations are in by THIS Friday the 16th of June so we can present them to St Vincent De Paul.


Here is a list of their most wanted items:

Tinned Food (400g size)

  • Tomatoes
  • Fruit
  • Baked Beans
  • Soup 
  • Vegetables


  • Pasta Sauce
  • Pasta
  • Instant Coffee
  • Rice (1kg)
  • Long Life Milk (1 Ltr)
  • Biscuits
  • Breakfast Cereal

Confirmation Commitment Mass

Over the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of June Year 6 students and their parents gathered st St John's Church to continue their preparations for Confirmation. The mass run by Father Dispin provided an opportunity for students, parents and the parish to commit themselves to continuing the faith journey of the Year 6 students. Students were presented with a printed copy of the Creed and were presented to the parish up the front of the Church.

Thank you to all students, parents and teachers who attended.

Upcoming Dates...




16th June


Feast of the Sacred Heart

Year 3

St James 'Reynolds Community Centre'

23rd June

Friday Level Mass

Year 5

St James 'Reynolds Community Centre'

St John's Parish Information and Mass times


                                                         Website:   St John's Mitcham