P & F Newsletter

Hi St James families.
I have been a bit quieter the last few weeks and will be for the time being as I am unable to do much at the moment, but with the help of others I will do my best to keep some things rolling.
HOWEVER I do need to remind you that we have a very BIG EVENT coming up on the first weekend after the holidays and you only have 2 weeks left to book tickets!!
If you have never attended a St James Parent Function before then you need to know they are always so much fun and you have been missing out! So please make this one your first! Don't get to the day and then suffer serious FOMO!
Tash Kaing, Meg Callanan and Lisa Janes, the awesome Grade 2 P&F event team have been doing a power of work and have put a lot of thought into creating a night to remember for our parent community. Thank you so much ladies!
All the details are below but it looks to be the perfect night to come along and enjoy a great band, a performing and roving magician, delicious paella dinner and grazing platters and a night of games and prizes. Tables are not pre booked but you can get together a group or come along with a friend or as a couple and mingle with parents from your own and other year levels. Considering all of this it is a night of great value! Tickets are $60pp and the night runs from 7:30 to 11pm.
PLEASE BOOK TICKETS ASAP HERE: https://www.trybooking.com/CIHNW by Saturday 24th June!!!
A big thank you to Tony McKay at Snap Printing in Ringwood for sponsoring this event by donating printing of advertising and event material
Snap Print Solutions Ringwood is your one-stop destination for all things print and design, providing a professional and personalised service from start to finish. From the initial brief to final delivery, our inhouse team of print and graphic design experts will cover every aspect of your job requirements with close attention to detail. The care and convenience of your local Snap Printing Solutions Centre in Ringwood ensures you get superior results on time, every time.
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A big shout out to Kylie McMahon and her team of helpers for their hard work, every week providing a sausage sizzle for our hungry Auskickers and families. St James Auskick is open to the wider community and so it is a great way to showcase our great facilities and community to visitors. If you can help please sign up here- volunteersignup.org/HRFJA
A big thanks to Emily Bent for always so efficiently organising Friday Treats for our children. Lamingtons are 3 for $1 and will continue into Term 3. A new roster will come out soon.
Coming up we also have a small online silent auction to accompany our Major Parent Social Night, and some dates to remember
MORNING TEA on Monday 10th July and our annual
Keep an eye out for a call out for helpers for this.
Thank you for your support and understanding.