
Please note some of the 5/6 class mass times have changed since the last newsletter due to clashes with Inter school sport.


Term 2 

18 May            School Disco - see details on Mr Grace's page

23 May           Eucharist Faith Night

25 May           St Bede's Feast Day

26 May           Assembly - 3/4C

26 May           National Sorry Day

2 June             Prep L Class Mass

9  June            Assembly - 2S

9 June             Prep R Class Mass

12 June          King's Birthday Public Holiday

16 June          3/4KW Class Mass

22 June          School Closure Day - Parent Teacher Interviews

23 June          School Closure Day -  Religious Education Professional Learning


Term Three

10 - 14 July     St Bede's NAIDOC Week

14 July             Bastille Day

26 - 28 July     Grade 3/4 Camp to Phillip Island  

12 Aug            Bogan Bingo Fundraiser Event

21- 25 Aug     Book Week

7 Sept              Father's Day Stall

7 Sept              St Bede's Art Show

15 Sept           End of Term 3



Sacrament Dates 2023


First Eucharist Mass (Year 4)

Saturday 3rd June at 6 pm 

 Sunday 4th June at 11 am


Confirmation Commitment Mass ( Year 6 attend a weekend mass on either of these dates)

Saturday 2nd September at 6 pm

Sunday 3rd September at 9 am or 11 am


Confirmation Mass (Year 6)

Thursday 5th October at 6 pm






School Term Dates 2023

Term 1

Monday 30th January – Thursday 6th April 

Easter 7th  April – 10th April

Term 2Monday 24th  April – Friday 23rd June
Term 3Monday 10th July – Friday 15th September
Term 4Monday 2nd October – 15th  December