Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Families,

We have had two great weeks to begin Term 3 and our children and teachers are all working incredibly hard each day in all areas of learning. Seeing and hearing the progress each child is making is very rewarding and I am always impressed by the hard work children show to achieve new skills and consolidate those already learnt. Our class awards each Friday highlight the many achievements our children are making and really show how their hard work and perseverance pays off. Of course, it has been wonderful that we have been able to maintain our onsite learning and whilst we have had some students and staff away due to COVID, for the most part, we have been able to continue our learning programs without too much disruption. With this in mind, I urge all families to keep up the good practices we have in place in regard to protecting ourselves at home and at school. Our most recent government advice, in regard to mask wearing is that, whilst not mandated, it is still recommended that students over 8 wear face mask indoors and all students continue hand sanitizing when appropriate.  See Letter to Parents from MACS

RAT testing kits will continue to be provided throughout term 3, however, we are aware that some families may still have supplies of these and may not require further kits. 

At the end of last term we held our student led conferences which enabled many of our children to share their great learning from first semester with their parents. I encourage all of you to try and continue these conversations with your children as a way of demonstrating your interest in their learning and as a way of really encouraging our children to reflect on the work they do each day, their challenges and their achievements.  


A Prayer for Ukraine

Whilst our daily news may not be as focussed on the war on Ukraine as it was when this terrible trouble began it is important that we keep the people of Ukraine and those in Russia in our hearts as they continue to struggle for peace.


Loving God, We pray for the people of Ukraine and those in Russia, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them.
We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.
We pray for the world that in this time of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.
May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine, Russia and for all the world.


First Eucharist

A reminder that on Sunday 31st July, at the 9:30am Mass at St Ignatius Church, the following students will receive their First Communion. I ask that you keep these children in your prayers. 


Updated MACS Policies

"Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) has published the new Suspension, Negotiated Transfer and Expulsion of Students Framework which outlines MACS board-approved grounds and procedures for suspension, negotiated transfer and expulsion of students, and the associated appeal procedures. 

The relevant policies are available below and on our school website. The Framework’s incorporated policies and procedures reflect the requirements of Catholic schools under the minimum standards for registration of schools pursuant to the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic.) and Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (Vic.). These requirements are set out in the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) Guidelines to the Minimum Standards and Requirements for School Registration. 

Working in partnership with parents and families, and guided by values of justice, equity, integrity, respect and compassion, approaches to behaviour support in MACS schools are underpinned by the belief that all students require a level of behaviour that respects their rights and the rights of others to: - be safe and feel safe - learn to the best of their ability - express themselves - take responsibility for their choices."

Introducing our new Specialist Teachers.

Mr Kyle Su joins Trinity as our Mandarin Language teacher.

Mr Su has a great passion for dancing and owns his own dance studio with his wife in Box Hill South. She teaches ballet and he teaches Hip-Hop! Mr Su is keen to start a Dance Club at Trinity. We can't wait! 


Ms Vanessa Low joins Trinity as our Visual Arts teacher.

Ms Vanessa's background is Chinese. She can speak Cantonese, Mandarin and some Japanese. Ms Vanessa loves ice- skating and painting.  She is really excited about teaching all the children at Trinity new art skills this year. 


Journey Together

Melbourne Archdiocese has recently launched its sacraments of initiation resource, Journeying Together, which can be found at

Archbishop Peter A Comensoli reminds us that the home remains the prime location within which faith can be formed and nurtured:

The early Church was a Church that assembled and passed on the faith in family homes … Might not this also be our calling at this time and place?

Journeying Together has been created specifically to serve our domestic Church by offering parents an accessible, easy-to-use resource to help them participate in their children’s spiritual formation and faith journey. Journeying Together facilitates an at-home experience of ‘God-talk’ and is designed not to replace but to complement children’s sacramental preparation in a Catholic primary school or parish setting.


Trinity Voices: School Singing Group

After two great 'Come & Try' sessions our 'Trinity Voices Group' is beginning to come together with Bernadette our Choir Leader. Bernadette has been teaching the group some basic warm up activities for their voices and has already introduced some cultural songs from Africa and the Torres Strait Islands. Bernadette is keen to incorporate more cuturally diverse songs into the repertoire,  so if any parents have a special song from their own cultural background, that would be appropriate for our children, she would love to hear from you. You can email them to me and I will pass them on:

Student Learning

As part of our school's Annual Action Plan this year, one of our goals was to; 'design learning for our highly able learners, to enable them to extend themselves in their learning.'  Currently Mrs Marinelli has been working with a group of our high flying mathematicians who have been entered into a Maths Talent Quest. 

'First held in 1982, the MTQ is an annual activity open to all primary and secondary students.  Students select their own investigation topic based on their personal learning interests and apply mathematics in context. They understand and discover how mathematics is used and found in the world around them, providing a positive experience to extend the learning.'

Once completed we would love to give these children the opportunity to share their outstanding work at a school assembly.  Having seen some of the amazing work, who knows maybe one of our Trinity Students may even take out a prize.


Academy of Mary Immaculate Talk & Tour

St Mary's College St Kilda

Tours & Scholarships now available

Enrol now for 2023 & 2024


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Also advertising 

  • Irish Dancing Christine Ayres
  • Lennox Market
  • Karate Lessons
  • Fitzroy City Soccer Club
  • Dance Lessons
  • Music Lesson
  • Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
