PE-Physical Education



Term 3 
Wednesday 7 September National Health and Physical Education Day 
Friday 16 SeptemberF-6: Swimming sessions payment due 3-6: South Melbourne beach excursion payment due 
Term 4 
Friday 14 October Year 3-6 incursion Surf Live Saving Victoria Introduction to CPR / DRSABCD

Friday 28 October 


Year F-6 incursion Surf Live Saving Victoria Meet the lifeguard / water safety

Tuesday 15 November 


Year 3-6 excursion Surf Life Saving Victoria 

South Melbourne beach 

Tuesday 22 Nov to Friday 25 Tuesday 29 Nov to Friday 2 Dec

Swimming sessions at Fitzroy swimming pool

8 x 30 minute sessions per grade 



National Health and Physical Education Day

Wednesday 7 September


What a great chance to participate in extra physical activity and eating healthier during Health and Physical Education week. 


The school will be celebrating with all grades starting the day with an aerobic dance warm up at 9am on the soccer field. This will wake up the muscles and minds, ready for a great day of learning. 


Lunchtime will be exciting with various sports and challenges including hula hoop, skipping and coits.




We would love families to get involved by participating in some of the following ideas during the week: -Creating healthy lunch boxes with your child -After school walks in the park -Family frisbee challenge (we can lend frisbees to families)-Bike rides-Family conversations about what the effect of eating healthy and regular exercise has on our minds and bodies. 
