Principals' message 

Capital works project update

Works are underway on Napier St where we can see the following:

  • Stairs are being upgraded
  • Bathrooms have had all fixtures and fittings removed
  • Temporary walls and doors have been installed to create two classroom areas in the Napier Hall
  • An enclosure has been put in where the new lift will go

This weekend, workmen from May Constructions will be completing the following on George St:

  • Installing a temporary wall in the staffroom (half of the staffroom space will be available for use)
  • Removing the external stairs
  • Filling in the external door at the top of the stairs

Six agreements

Last term, teachers identified the top three agreements that are used the most in their classrooms and in the yard. We then worked with a small group of grade four students to develop an agreement that specifically targets the way in which students speak to each other at school. The students came up with Right words, kind words, respectful words and we have now rolled this out across the school. 


We then left two blank spaces for classes to write their own agreements that relate to a key focus area. Students are also adding agreements to their goal books if there is something they want to focus on. Feedback has been very positive and students are enjoying developing agreements for themselves and their class. 


Reminder for parents

Please inform a staff member if you see any interactions between students, including your child(ren) that you think needs to be followed up. We ask that parents do not speak directly to other children. Staff are available on yard duty before/after school, or you can contact the office if you have any concerns.


Science week

A huge thank you to Robbie and Vicki for running a fantastic Science week. Students ran science activities at lunchtime and the Microbats evening event was really well attended by Fitzroy families. It's wonderful to see students so engaged in their learning during science and we're very grateful to have two very passionate staff members who do an outstanding job!


Book week

Next week we're looking forward to a dress up day on Wednesday where students are invited to wear clothing that resembles a favourite character in a book! It's a great opportunity to promote reading in both French and English and nurture children's love of literature.


Foundation transition 

Three Foundation transition sessions have been scheduled in November and December and staff have already started preparing for the sessions. Further information will be sent out to parents next week. Please note that students must be enrolled with us in order to attend. If you haven't enrolled your child yet, please contact the office. 


Expressions of interest

A reminder that we are seeking two expressions of interest! If you are interested in enrolling your child the French Saturday school (l'ecole du Samedi) or a year 7 French language option at Collingwood College - please contact the office to add you name to the list. These will close at the end of the term.


-Angela Richmond and Andrea Hennessey