Families and Friends News


Fathers Day Fry Up - Thursday 1st September 8am - 8:45

Bring along dad, granddad or any important VIP along for a Father’s Day Breakfast Fry Up. We’ll have delicious egg and bacon rolls from 8am – 8:45am. There’ll be a paper plane throwing competition for dads only, dad jokes, games and more. This is a great way for busy dads to pop in, even for just five minutes, to take a selfie with their student in a specially made DAD THRONE as well as eating a delicious breakfast. Sausage sandwiches and regular breakfast club will also be available.

Yes, DADs really are in charge (at least for the morning!)

If you are interested in volunteering or making donations of bread, eggs or bacon for this event please sign up here.


Please pay $1 through QKR to get membership to F&F and a free breakfast, or if you are already a member, please make a gold coin donation :)