School News

Book Week

Theme: Dreaming With Eyes Open......

Dates: 20 - 26 August 2022

The annual LNPS Book Week Parade will be held in the Gym on Wednesday 24thth August from 9:00am. 


We encourage all students to dress up as their favourite book characters for the parade to celebrate stories and the joy of reading. We would love to see some creative costumes that are connected to books or the theme Dreaming with Eyes Open......


Students will also be participating in a range of electives connected to Book Week on Thursday 25th August. 


More information will be distributed in the coming weeks. 

The Language of Learning at LNPS – ‘A conversation starter’

Returning from holidays can mean that it is important to revisit previously learnt language to not only kick start our brains but, to activate previous learning. Conversations can happen whilst around the dinner table, cooking in the kitchen, in the car on the way to sport, the AD breaks whilst the TV is on, or during breaks between streaming etc. 


We not only want students to be able to talk about their learning at home, but also question their learning at school. For example, students ask teachers various questions regarding their learning experiences. These can range from questions about what the intended learning is to how they will know to be successful. Some vocabulary which could form part of a conversation with your child at home includes:


Learning Intention  

- Does your child understand the purpose (why) they are learning something?

Success Criteria  

 -  What does success look like?

 - How will they know if they understand the learning?


Goal Setting  

 - Can your child talk about their goals?

 - Do they know what strategies they are working on to achieve these goals?


Learning Portfolios/Websites  

- Can your child talk to you about an assessment task they are working on?

- Can your child talk to you about some learning that they are doing really well at or perhaps not so well at?



 - Can your child talk about what feedback the teacher has given them in relation to a learning or assessment task? E.g what they have done well and what are the next steps to further improve.