Student of the Week Award


Prep A - Linc P - Applying a variety of reading strategies to decode words and self correcting himself when it doesn’t quite make sense. It’s been great listening to you read – keep it up!

Prep B - Harley G - Always having a can do attitude towards all learning tasks. We love seeing your smiling face at school every day Harley!


12A- Ella Mc- For showing great work ethic in all areas of her learning. Great example of an awesome Eastie. 

12B - Krystal P - For consistently working hard and being an awesome Eastie! 

12C - Aarush B - For his excellent attitude and persistence in maths. 


34B - Jett McK - For showing resilience when at first your maths task seemed too hard, you stuck with it, persevered, and completed it with style! Well done- that’s what great learners do! 

34C - Timothy D - Timothy, you continually demonstrate our school values and look for ways to help others. Congratulations on being a wonderful and well mannered Eastie! 

34D - Archee M - For his amazing efforts and positive attitude towards all learning tasks. Fantastic, Archee! Keep it up!


56A - Montana S - For always being a respectful Easite and role model in our classroom. Well done!  

56B - Lillee C - For her amazing creativity when writing her nonfiction narrative on cassowaries.

56C - Connor D - For his enthusiasm towards his passion project. It has been fantastic watching your self-driven learning.

56D - Azarlia R - For sharing your outstanding knowledge of fractions during our maths lessons this week. Great mathematician skills!




Prep B- Marlee D - For being super responsible for her learning and working hard to learn the days of the week.

1/2B- Issac Mc - For having a red hot go with maths on the My Numeracy app. 

3/4C - Ryder D-L - For your determination to improve your basic number facts. Keep up the great effort! 

5/6C - Cameron G - For his ability to identify and represent equivalent fractions


Prep B- Bonnie R - For working hard to record the sounds she hears in words when writing.

1/2B-  Paisley K - For showing pride in her literacy learning this week!

3/4C - Jade M - For your continued dedication to your learning, willingly challenging yourself to consistently produce exceptional work. Keep up the incredible effort Jade, you should be very proud! 

5/6C - Zanda W - For always challenging himself to up level his learning using the success criteria in both reading and writing.


Charli Smith - For demonstrating a great understanding of “the zones.”

Hudson O - For demonstrating and naming lots of different emotions we have.