Leader of Faith, Formation and Mission

Mr Abdala

Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”

Hebrews 11:1

Dearest Marian Community,

The foundation that our College community is built upon is seen within our College prayer when we pray “to act with love and compassion”. We need to learn to work together as a community so that tomorrow is brighter not only for us in the present, but for the future as well. Only through creating unity amongst one another can we create a culture of acting with love and compassion. His Holiness Pope Francis in his publication Let us dream, describes how the pandemic transformed his life dramatically … for the better.  He states that if we have the courage to change, we can emerge from this challenge better than before. Acting under the guidance of The Holy See, we too can emerge from the challenges we face on a daily basis and develop the courage to change how we interact with those around us, with each action fueled by love and compassion.

Term 3 Mission Project - MCC Kindness Project

The MCC Kindness Project has thus far demonstrated to be quite successful in its approach to expressing a life of love. It has been heartwarming to hear the stories of staff members receiving acts of kindness from students, as well as witnessing the acts of kindness come to life in the College amongst the student body. An important element of our mission projects is to ensure that we understand why we do, what we do. In all that we do, we aim to bring to life the lessons of the Gospels. So if we are to live the way, the truth and the life, we need to ensure that in all that we do, we are placing our faith at the forefront. This empowers us as a community to spread the word of the Lord. 

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

The Feast of the Assumption is one of the most significant feast days of the year and a Holy Day of Obligation on the official Roman Catholic Church’s liturgical calendar. By tradition, this holy day is observed every year on August 15th. According to Roman Catholic theology, Mary was "assumed body and soul into heavenly glory" several years after her son, Jesus, ascended into heaven. The importance of this event in Mary's life is only surpassed by her role in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. The moment of Mary's ascension into heaven has been depicted in dozens of painting masterpieces and became a central theme in Renaissance art. 

I encourage our College Community to attend the following Mass times:

Mass times 

Vigil for the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary

Date: Sunday 14th August

Location: Sacred Heart Church

Time: 6:00pm

Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary

Date: Monday 15th August

Location: Sacred Heart Church

Time: 7:00am and 5:30pm

Weekend Mass Times

Day: Saturday 14th August

Location: Sacred Heart Church

Time: 6:00pm

Day: Sunday

Location: Sacred Heart Church

Time: 7:30am

Day: Sunday

Location: Marian Catholic College Chapel

Time: 9:00am

Day: Sunday

Location: Sacred Heart Church

Time: 10:30am

Day: Sunday

Location: Sacred Heart Church

Time: 6:00pm

Youth Mass

This term, Year 7 and 8 will be hosting a Youth Mass. The date that is set for the Mass is 28/08/2022 which falls at the end of Week 6. We hope to encourage not only the students from these years groups, but also the College to show up in support of our students involved with the readings and choir. 

Date: Sunday 28th August

Location: Marcellin Hall - Marian Catholic College

Time: 9:00am

“Jesus Good Shepherd,

Teach us through your spirit,

To walk your way of life and in all things to act with love and compassion,

Help us come to the father, by knowing you and serving you in each other,

May our school be a place of wonder learning and peace,

Where the lessons of today prepare us for the challenges of tomorrow,

May your Mother Mary guide our footsteps as she guided yours,

This prayer we make in faith,


Yours in faith,

Gabriel Abdala

Leader of Faith Formation and Mission