School Notices

ANZAC Service
In week 1, an ANZAC Service was held at the school. The Secondary Emergency Services Cadets along with the student leaders took charge of the service and did a fabulous job of commemorating this very important day in Australia's history. We would like to thank the community members who were in attendance, the staff and students, and a very special THANKYOU to Rosalie Crook for the lovely wreaths.
All-Stars Cross Country Practise
In PE, students have started their All-Stars Cross Country Practise, where the students all run laps around the oval for prizes, in the lead up to our MDHS Cross Country held in week 7, followed by the DISA Cross country in Week 8 which will be held in Koorda.
Get those running shoes on & join in the fun as we aim to get as many prizes and laps as we can. There will be winning prizes for two students in each class at the end of term. One for the highest lap winner & one for the most consistent. There will also be a group prize for the class Mrs Clarke believes has tried their hardest over the term. So keep checking your stars on Mrs Clarke's window to see how many laps you are up to & most importantly have fun!