Class Updates Cont

K/PP Mother's Day Event
It was lovely to have everyone back and participating in some Mother’s Day pampering in the K/PP on Tuesday 3rd May. The weather was perfect to enjoy the event.
The afternoon started with a dance party, led by Mrs Clarke and her daughter Millah. The Mums/Grandmas and children then broke into groups and participated in different activities. These included: painting, make your own sugar scrub, succulent teacup making, paint your nails, beading and make and share delicious fruit and yoghurt cups.
Well done to Mrs Lamond for organising a beautiful afternoon for the Mums. Thank you to Mrs Melville, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Jackie Hobbs for their wonderful assistance.
On Friday of Week 1, our Primary students were treated to an engaging Scitech workshop. They learned about space, and had to work together to build a space station that was strong enough to withstand a ferocious planet storm! They also had the opportunity to explore the space dome and learn about the sky in the Southern Hemisphere.
Digger Brooks RSL Trailer Visit
Graham 'Digger' Brooks visited the school again this year to showcase his RSL Trailer. Digger is very knowledgeable and enjoys engaging with the students and answering any questions about the varying medals, photos and memorabilia he has on display.