
It’s been a busy term in Digitech and Lego Club.  


Every group has now had at least one round of Lego Club and wow, we really have some creative kids at our school. Foundation and Level 1 students built some amazing towers and we were able to combine a few and almost touch the roof! Level 5&6 students were challenged to build something ‘Kale scale’ and the variety of builds were amazing! From cheese to tulips, they really did nail the brief.  


Digitech has seen level 3 and 4 students complete their unit using the MBot robots with them able to use sensors to control a robots behaviour. Level 5 and 6 are pretty close to completing their 3D ultimate vehicles in Tinkercad. It’s been amazing to see so many students displaying great perseverance as they move from being unfamiliar with the user interface in week one to creating some pretty outstanding recognisable vehicles out of simple shapes.  


Mr Evans 

Digital Technology Specialist