French Focus

Bonjour à tous!
It has been a busy start to the year in our new French room.
Year 5 & 6 Students
Students have worked on posing questions such as ‘tu aimes…?’ ‘do you like…?’ They developed their skills in using a bilingual dictionary efficiently to translate to and from French. They also explored patterns in French language such as noticing that the most common French verb group is ‘er verbs’. In addition, students began the first stages of an inquiry-based research project which they will continue into term two. Some of the topics include researching the history of the TGV, French Revolution and Coco Chanel.
Students in Year 6 also worked hard to prepare for Harmony Day. Many students sacrificed lunchtimes and recess breaks in the lead up to the day to prepare for the Save the Children fundraiser and plan lunchtime activities for students across the school. They demonstrated outstanding leadership in their dedication to running the day. Félicitations!
Year 3 & 4 Students
Students began the year by revising key vocabulary through drama-based tasks. They then worked to learn vocabulary related to ‘Les Trois Petits Cochons’ – ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Students applied this knowledge to explore a simple French script for this play.
Some students in Year 4 have nominated to participate in an optional French poetry competition run through the Alliance Française in term two. Stay tuned for more information next term!
Year 1 & 2 Students
Students have been learning vocabulary related to food. They drew and labelled food on paper plates and created their own French menus. Students then had the opportunity to run their very own café! They used the materials they created this term and other resources such as ‘Euros’ and a cash register to bring the café to life. Students explored spoken French to order food in the café using key phrases such as “une pizza, s’il vous plaît”, “bon appétit”, etc.
Foundation Students
Students began their journeys as French learners at Fairfield Primary School this term. They began the term by exploring their understanding of France. They have learned simple greetings such as ‘bonjour’, the song Frère Jacques and are now exploring numbers to ten in French. Students in Foundation also learned about Harmony Day and the importance of celebrating different cultures.
Please don’t hesitate to pop into the French room if you have any questions or just to say ‘bonjour’.
~ Emily Lindsay-Smith, French Teacher