Principal's Report

A Full Term at School
For the first time since 2019, we have completed a full term at school. That deserves three cheers!
From the beginning of the year, we have all hoped that schools would remain open. Whilst there have been disruptions along the way, particularly with student and staff absences, it is delightful that we have opened our gates for 50 consecutive days – something we would normally take for granted.
There has recently been a flurry of incursions which has been wonderful to see. These additional programs have spanned the breadth of the curriculum, from science, drama, literacy, civics and citizenship, and health. Last Thursday I visited the Year 3 students at Darebin Parklands (see some of the pictures below). It was so lovely to see the enjoyment that the children as they participated in their Healthy Me Day excursion.
One week after welcoming back Year 6 from Canberra, we now look forward to Year 4 going on their overnight camp to Mt Evelyn, on the first day of next term. I am sure that they will have a wonderful and memorable time.
Year 6 Camp
Congratulations to our Year 6 students for their participation, contributions, and enjoyment during Year 6 camp. The week in Canberra is non-stop and relies on everyone working together to make sure that they get through the action-packed itinerary successfully. I heard great comments about how well the students went during the week, with a message describing them as ‘truly ace’ sticking in my mind.
Whilst we did have to navigate the challenge of positive COVID cases on the last night and morning, this should not detract from the memorable four days which preceded this. Many thanks and well done to all our students, staff and parent volunteers.
Staffing Update
At the end of this term, we say thank you and farewell to Tom Pinchen-Hogg. Tom replaced Geoff McShane as our PE teacher this term. We are fortunate to have had Tom at FPS during this time – not only has he done a fantastic job running the PE program, he also coordinated sporting events including swimming and interschool sport. We wish Tom all the best in his new position at Moreland PS next term, and we also look forward to welcoming Geoff back to FPS.
Next term we look forward to welcoming back our Assistant Principal, Sarah Abbott. I met with Sarah yesterday and she is very much looking forward to returning to FPS and seeing everyone again. Thank you to Nicole Rettke and Daniel Arnavas for their excellent work as the Acting Assistant Principals in Sarah’s absence.
We also say a short farewell to Jane O'Riley, our Business Manager. Jane is taking some leave and will be back the fourth week of next term.
School Council & Annual Report
Last week I presented the School Annual Report for 2021 at our Annual General Meeting (AGM), which can be viewed here.
At the conclusion of the AGM we went straight into our first School Council meeting, after the recent call for nominations. Our new School Council members are listed below.
Position | Member |
Executive Officer | Paul Wallace |
School Council President | Allison O’Connell |
School Council Vice-President | Andrew Vance |
School Council Treasurer | Louise Currie |
School Council Secretary | Sarah Glass |
Parent Representatives | Regan Richards Mark Sandiford Bel Schenk Michelle Schwensen Ian ten Seldam |
Staff Representatives | Jessica Greenway Olivia Li Serena Maynard |
School Contributions
Thank you to the many families who have paid their school contributions. A reminder that we request these payments be made by the end of this term.
The school contributions include payments for our library fund, building fund and to fund our school nurses. In this week’s newsletter you will see a feature on our nurses – Diana, Carolyn and Kaye. Our nurses provide significant support and care to our students during the busiest time of the day, and this is funded by the contribution of parents.
It is also exciting to note that building fund contributions will go towards the upgrade of the sliding gate on Langridge St (to take place during these holidays) as well as the next stage of our fence replacement.
$12,250 of library fund money was spent at the end of last year on decodable readers. We have also used this fund to purchase new shelving to increase the number of books that we can accommodate.
Foundation Social Evening
Last Friday we hosted our annual Foundation Social Evening. The photos and stories tell of an enjoyable evening with families enjoying the opportunity to catch up with old friends and introduce themselves to new ones.
Thank you to Rachael Hough, Taleen Malone, Fiona Smeaton, Ian ten Seldam, Mark Sandiford and Olivia Li for the organisation, planning, hosting and late packing up at this event.
Parent Volunteers
We look forward to inviting parent volunteers back into classrooms next term. All parents who volunteer do need a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and must be triple vaccinated, per the Department of Education guidelines.
Further communications will be sent early next term in relation to this.
ANZAC Day Appeal
Across this week, students will have the opportunity to purchase badges, pens, wristbands, etc. in support of the ANZAC Day appeal. Items cost $1 - $5 and may be purchased from the LSC office at recess and lunchtime.
Important Dates
On Friday we will be holding our end of term assembly at 1.30pm at the Fig Tree Courtyard with all families welcome to attend. Our Concert Band will be performing a couple of recognisable tunes!
Save the date for Friday 6 May, from 7:30 – 9am, where we hosting a breakfast before school to celebrate mums/the special people in our lives! More information to follow early next term.
Upcoming Dates:
- Friday 8 April: early dismissal at 2pm
- Saturday 9 – Monday 25 April: school holidays
- Tuesday 26 April: first day of term two
- Tuesday 26 – Wednesday 27 April: Year 4 Mt Evelyn Camp
School Concert Dates:
- Year 5&6 Concert: Thursday 16 June at Kew High School
- Year 1&2 Concert: Thursday 1 September at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar
- Year 3&4 Concert: Thursday 1 December at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar
Thank you to everyone – students, staff and families for all of your efforts and contributions this term. Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable two-week break.
~ Paul Wallace, Principal