OGPS – Other Great Programs @ School

Billie’s Bookmarks –
How a 7-year-old took inspiration from a Humanities class to volunteer in her community
Students at OGPS learn about ‘Humanities’ as part of the Victorian Curriculum, and the focus in Year 2 this term has been on ‘Our Community’. After a session with Mr. Morphet about the amazing work Volunteers do in the Ocean Grove community, 7-year-old Billie went home to her Mum and asked what volunteering she could do to try and make a difference. After some brainstorming, they came up with the idea of making and selling Bookmarks to raise money for the Good Friday appeal. They held a weekend ‘bookmark workshop’ with some eager helpers, and then Billie and a few of her classmates setup a stand at the Ocean Grove market – making $465 for the Royal Children’s Hospital! What a great effort by Billie and her friends (and family!) to volunteer their time to help others!
-Impressive Persuasive text by Johnny in 3DH
Temples, gods, concerts, stories and cultures, the perfect paradise! And at the end of this text, you’ll know why!
The best animations in the world.
Anime has a load of shadowing and detail. You can’t find any cooler characters. Better than any old DC or Marvel mumbo jumbo, keeping the same characters through all this time. Super man, he has like 70 powers, you can’t even keep track of them all!
So that’s why Anime is obviously the best.
Incredible food.
They make heaps of different types of soft drink, all squantaniously tasty. They get food like avocado, shrimp and tuna, mush them together and BAM! Ya got sushi! But then chips are just a potato covered in bread!
So Japanese food is far superior to any other food.
Comics, 7 outta ten, pretty funny, pretty good drawings. Ok, but Manga, a 100 outta ten. Incredible stories, really funny, (I mean REALLY) plus the drawings are at a whole other level so,
This is why Manga is perfectó.
So Japan is the winner, the other countries, not so much, maybe 9999999999th place.
Specialist Classes
Hey everyone,
The Year 6s have been working hard on various instruments this term. Their end of term assessment was to write a chord progression. Joie and Sammy delighted me with lyrics and a lovely melody as well! Great job girls!
Brainstorm Incursion