Parent Information

STOMP Dance Concert will be held tomorrow (Thursday 7th April).
Unfortunately parents are not able to attend due to the limited space where the concert is being held. However, the classroom teacher will video the performance and post this on Seesaw for you to enjoy.
Students are encouraged to wear casual dress (Stage Ready E.g. Free choice of what your child feels comfortable performing in) and to bring a Gold Coin Donation.
The funds raised will go towards The Smith Family Foundation.
"The Smith Family is an independent children's charity helping disadvantaged Australian children to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves".
Year 3-6 Cross Country (Friday, 8th April 2022)
Years 3 to 6 students will be participating in Cross Country at the Ocean Grove Main Beach.
Date: Friday 8th of April
Time: Students will leave school and walk to the beach at 9:00am returning to school around 2:00pm.
Students will need to wear their school sports uniform and bring their drink bottle, snack, lunch, hat, sunscreen, EpiPen/asthma puffers (if required).
Parents/Guardian are welcome to attend and cheer on the children.
If you have not already given permission via Sentral for your child to attend please ensure that this is completed prior to the event. Just a reminder if you plan to take your child home after their run please make sure that they are signed out with their classroom teacher. Other children will not have permission to leave with you unless their parent/carer has given written permission for their child to do so.
This arrangement will need to be made prior to this event and all correspondence will need to be seen by the classroom teacher.
School Photos- Post Photo Day
Newsletter information for parents AFTER Photo Day
To view the images of your child and order photos, you will need to first register online.
- Go to and enter the 2022 image code for your child (from their personalized flyer)
- Tap on ‘Add another child’ to enter the image codes of any siblings
- Fill in your email and mobile details and then review all details before confirming your registration
That’s it! When 2022 photos are ready, you will be notified by email and SMS.
Even if you registered last year, it’s important that you do it again each year using your child’s new image code to link their photos for the current year with your contact details.
To ensure you are ordering school photos for the current year, please wait for notifications that 2022 images are online before placing orders.
In the webshop you can view photos and customize your photo package; Choose ANY layout, ANY image and purchase multiple digital image downloads.
All photo orders will be sent directly to the address you provide when ordering.
REGISTER ONLINE NOW to be notified when 2022 school photos can be viewed and ordered.
Looking Smart- Uniform Shop
Due to the increase in prices from our suppliers we have had to increase the prices on some school uniform items from the start of term 2 this year.
Also we will only be placing one Sports polo order per term so all orders will need to be in by the end of the second week back next term – we will continue to hold some stock in store but if you want to ensure the availability of the correct size please place an order.
Orders forms attached or order online at:
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge
Teeth On Wheels
Dear Families, We are excited to have Teeth on Wheels Visiting our school for dental visits starting on the 2/06/2022.
Below is a link to their E-form which needs to be completed by 2/06/2022 for your child to participate.
Teeth on Wheels are focused on providing a positive dental experience and specialise with working with children.
They can provide check-up and clean appointments and more onsite and will be able to advise you if your child is eligible to received dental care for FREE under the Child Dental Benefit Schedule.
Complete your form today and the Teeth on Wheels team will be in contact to schedule your child’s appointment.
Thank you Admin
Holiday Program
Mosquito-Borne Disease
NAPLAN Information for Parents:
Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th and Friday 13th May
NAPLAN Testing
Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th May
NAPLAN Catch Up days