ECO Club

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Ocean Grove Primary School is a Resource Smart School. Resource Smart Schools is a program offered by Sustainability Victoria that supports Victorian schools to embed sustainability across the school facilities, community and curriculum, while saving resources and money for the school.
The Resource Smart Schools program recognises and rewards schools through Sustainability Certification. Stars are obtained through completion of Modules and meeting benchmarks for resource use and are valid for four years. Schools can progress from one Star up to 5 Stars and move towards becoming a Leadership School. Each of the 5 Stars has specific requirements for completion. Schools are required to complete additional actions in the Modules and to meet and maintain resource benchmarks.
Ocean Grove Primary School is committed to attaining a 5-star rating and we are currently progressing through the Waste Module. Sustainability achievements include: Member of the Schools Water Efficiency Program (SWEP) Greener Government School Buildings Grant for a 50kW solar power system A 20.48kW solar power system as part of the Barwon Solar Schools application to Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning New Energy Jobs Fund The ResourceSmart School program at OGPS is supported by the Sustainability Sub-Committee.
The Sustainability Sub-committee is a volunteer group which provides advice and support to the School Council and OGPS on progressing sustainability and positive environmental outcomes at the school. If you would like to be a part of the sustainability team and support the school in their sustainability journey please contact: