From the LOTE Teachers

Kelas Bahasa Indonesia
Minggu ini kami menpelajari warna-warna (kelas 1-2) dan sayur-sayuran (kelas 3-6).
~This week we have studied the colours in Years 1 & 2 and vegetables in Years 3 - 6
Warna-warna | |
Kuning | Yellow |
Jingga | Orange |
Putih | White |
Hitam | Back |
Merah | Red |
Abu-abu | Grey |
Coklat | Brown |
Merah Muda | Pink |
Hijau | Green |
Ungu | Purple |
Biru | Blue |
Sayur-sayuran | |
Jamur | Mushroom |
Cabai | Chilli |
Buncis | Beans |
Kentang | Potato |
Tomat | Tomato |
Jagung | Corn |
Brokoli | Broccoli |
Timun | Cucumber |
Wortel | Carrot |
Bawang Bombay | Onion |
Try it at home:
Over the holidays, enjoy singing some Indonesian songs with your child. These are the songs we have learnt during Term 1.
Conversations at the Market- Indonesian Lesson
Conversations at the Market- Indonesian Lesson
Terima Kasih,
Bu Kate dan Bu Chelsea